room NB(ソニーミュージックグループ)の持つ音楽性やテクノロジーの融合により
藤沢⽂翁(ふじさわ ぶんおう)
英国 ロンドン⼤学 ゴールドスミス演劇学部卒
2005年12⽉4⽇、⽇本⼈として初めて英国ロンドンのKings Head劇場でHYPNAGOGIAを上演し劇作家デビュー。
常に「0から1を⽣み出すこと」をテーマとしており、オリジナルストーリーにこだわっている。⾃⾝が育った⻄洋の芸術⽂化のみならず、⽇本の古典芸能も精通しており、昨今では能楽五流派の⼀つ、喜多流(公益財団法⼈ ⼗四世六平太記念財団)の理事に就任している。
Playwright, Theatre Director & Lyricist
Graduate of Goldsmiths, University of London BA, Drama and Theatre Arts
Born in Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo.
Has wrote, scripted, and directed musicals, straight plays, Japanese anime, video games, and reader’s theatre.
An artist well-known in Japan and internationally, highly regarded as the leader in music recitation drama , especially for his original updating of British recitation drama that is called “Fujisawa Recitation Drama.”
On December 4, 2005, made his debut as a playwright and became the first Japanese playwright to perform HYPNAGOGIA at the Kings Head Theatre in London, U.K.
His motto is "to create from zero to one," and sticks to writing original stories. He is well versed not only in the Western art and culture where he grew up, but also in the classical Japanese performing arts, and has recently become a board member of Kita-ryu Noh (Memorial Foundation of the Roppeita Kita XIV), which is one of the five schools of Noh (classical form of Japanese drama).